Find Me Friends, Inc. is a non-profit that believes every American deserves access to reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare, regardless of the state they live in. Our discreet network of pen pals connects individuals in states with access to necessary care to individuals in states who cannot access care. Pen pals provide much needed support, solidarity, and security to one another during times of uncertainty. Pen pals often share resources legally available to them in their home states such as Plan B and over-the-counter contraceptives like OPill. Find Me Friends Inc. will also sponsor friend meet-ups and getaways for in-person meets between longstanding pen pals across state lines. Find Me Friends Inc. will help organize activities during meet-ups to benefit pen pals that may be able to access increased care while out of state for a meet-up.
If you would like to become a pen pal advocate or are in need of a pen pal ally, please reach out to us at:
To help us connect more individuals and fund our mailers, meet-ups, and resource sharing, please consider making a donation.